Ep. 13 HowDoIMom Father’s Day Edition
Y'all aint ready for Ep. 13! 🔥 Turn up!
Shout out to all the Dads out there! 👏🏽 We honor and celebrate the gift you are. Listen in as Josh, Dan, and I talk through the do’s and don’ts of Father's Day, navigate their favorite parts of fatherhood, and find out why the "mute" button matters. 🔇Haha!

Ep. 12 HowDoIMom and Be Brave
Season 2️⃣ Ep. 12 "HowDoIMom and Be Brave" is available now!
Sometimes, being brave and broken go hand in hand. May you find your inner "brave" as you listen and realize that you're not alone. Being brave while also being a Mom requires more strength than I could have ever imagined. Whatever you're walking through, I'm rooting for you! 🤍

Ep. 11 HowDoIMom Boys
Shout out to all the BOY MOMMAS out there! 👏🏼 Listen in as Amanda Eich, mom of 5 boys, shares the joys and challenges she's experienced.
Hear why intentional, open conversations are crucial with raising boys and why rulers 📏 fit the category of "can't touch this." 🎵 👀

Ep. 10 HowDoIMom Girls
Do you have a daughter or maybe multiple? Check out the latest episode that features Tiffany Ramos, a Mom of 4 daughters. "It's not all 🌈, butterflies and pink."
Find out why matching temperaments and not necessarily ages may be your key to success. She shares how, as a Mom, she has raised her daughters to combat a world full of false narratives while stressing the importance of being an example of positive self-worth.